
Showing posts from September, 2020

Diabetes Awareness: I'll Wait 'til it Hurts

 If no food is consumed for a certain  StrictionD Review period of time, then there will be a shortage of glucose in blood. Low glucose level means low level of insulin in blood, on seeing this liver convert stored glucogen into glucose and realized into the blood stream to maintain blood glucose level. Human Insulin hormone The above said all glucose related conversions are controlled by insulin secreted by the pancreas. Insulin is a hormone and it is the controlling or commenting signal that controls carbohydrate metabolism and helps to maintain normal blood glucose level in blood. If there is any shortage of insulin secretion or improper utilization (insulin resistance) of insulin leads to increased blood glucose level in blood called as diabetes mellitus. Diabetes risk factors Some of the factors can increases the chances of having diabetes called as diabetes risk factors. Some of the risk factors of diabetes are: Obesity - being over weight or obese can increases the chances of i

What Diabetics Need to Know That Their Blood Sugar Levels Can't Tell Them!

 Type 2 diabetes occurs when the body  StrictionD Review   becomes resistant to insulin. This occurs when the body tissues (eg muscle), not responsive to insulin and therefore can not use the energy of blood glucose. The pancreas responds by producing more insulin. In addition, in the liver, where glucose is stored, releases more than that to try increase the availability of it. Eventually, the pancreas becomes unable to produce enough insulin and the network becomes more resistant to it. As a result, blood glucose levels began to rise gradually. It may take several years to reach the level of sugar in the blood that will cause the onset of symptoms. The symptoms may be only very subtle, and sometimes such symptoms listed above are not detected at all, so that should be suspected in elderly people who started with one of them, and confirm the disease by measuring sugar blood levels (Glycemia). The term diabetes came from the word diabaĆ­nein that meant to stride, or stand with legs asun